One year of the Praetorian project is behind us. All partners have been working hard and we have already made excellent results.
PRAETORIAN is a H2020 funded project aiming at increasing the security and resilience of European Critical Infrastructures, by facilitating the coordinated protection of interrelated CIs against combined physical and cyber threats. The project will provide a multidimensional (economical, technological, policy, societal) yet installation-specific toolset.
If you wish to more about the project and stay updated, follow Praetorian social media accounts and make sure you sign up for the newsletter.
We have shared the latest updates on the Praetorian project via the newsletter in July. If you have missed it, you can download it from the link: Praetorian Newsletter – July.
RiniGARD is a consortium partner responsible for the development, implementation and demonstration of the novel counter UAV detection system together with the drone neutralisation system.
The project coordinator is Electricite de France, while the project consortium consists of 23 partners from 7 EU member states. As many as 5 project partners come from Croatia: RiniGARD d.o.o., KONČAR KET d.d., ZAGREB INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT d.d., HEP d.d. and HGSS.